Saturday, April 25, 2009


I thank Dr. Ken for his support and guidance, he's a skilled lecturer and yes sometimes he was strict with us and to be honest his sctrictness made us complete what we had to do, thank you I learned a lot.


Here's a quick video walkthrough for the website:


I added pictures for all the pages even for pages that didn't have products so the pages wont be dull and boring, for e.g. I added a telephone pic for Contact Us page, a money symbol for the Buying page, and etc. 

I made the mobile pages a little more unique, here's a sample video for one of the mobile pages:

I made this effect with flash, so when the mouse pointer moves on the mobile pic it becomes bigger, and there was a problem when I inserted the flash movie into dreamweaver that the movie had a white background but I fixed it by added a parameter to the flash movie properties, first I clicked on the flash movie, properties, parameters then I added a parameter which is "wmode" then added a value which is "transparent". here's a picture to explain everything:

The final result of the GUI

Before I show you the final result here's the Spry menu bar that I created from dreamweaver:

Its quite easy you just have to select "Spry" from the menu then "Spry Menu Bar" then you select the layout either vertical or horizontal, and I added some shadowy effect on the right and bottom part of the bars.

The final result:

Backgrounds used in the GUI

For the Logo space(header):

For the Content space:

For the outer background:

The website's GUI

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Flash intro

I imported some electric effects and sound for the flash library and put each image in a frame plus I made motion tweens and effects:

its not complete but this is what I did so far:

Logo tuning

the N letters in the logo weren't clear enough so I made some fixes:

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The logo

First I chose a font suited for my logo from one of the free font websites;

Here it is:

Then I added some touches:

The result:

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Choosing mobile phones

I chose the best phones relaying on what people thought of these phones and their ratings from Youtube and other websites.

Flow Chart(updated)

Here's the complete detailed version of the website flow chart(map):